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Liliana J. Donatelli, MPH, BS
Liliana Donatelli, Bs, MPH
[email protected]
[email protected]
+55 14 997715273


CFO (Federal Board Of Dentistry in Brazil) 


ABO (Brazilian Dental Association)
APCD (Dental Association for the State Of São Paulo)
ABENO ( Brazilian Association of Dental Educators)

Dental Schools 

USP – Bauru 
UNICAMP- Piracicaba 
UNESP- SJCampos 
UNESP – Araçatuba
São Leopoldo Mandic

Recommendations for Dental Settings in the context of Covid-19 from the Ministry of Health of Brazil

Federal Regulation for Reprocessing Medical Devices RDC 15 (does not include all types of dental settings)


Legislação Federal Odontologia em Consulta Pública

Segurança do Paciente e Qualidade na Assistência Odontológica

Nota Técnica Higiene das Mãos

Higiene das Mãos em Serviços de Saúde

Biofilm on and structural damage of rotary cutting instruments after 5 cycles of clinical use and processing

Francisco Antonio Uchoa-Junior, Terezinha de Jesus Esteves Barata, Lara Stefânia Netto de Oliveira Leão-Vasconcelos, Evandro Leão Ribeiro, Anaclara Ferreira Veiga Tipple

Protein detection by fluorescence of manually cleaned high-speed dental handpieces
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology (2022), 1–3
Fábio B. Souza DDS, MSc, PhD, Camila Q.M. Bruna PhD , Rosa A.B. Mesiano PhD, Regina M.B. Cicarelli PhD, David Perrett PhD and Kazuko U. Graziano PhD

We analyzed the effectiveness of manual cleaning protocols performed on high-speed dental handpieces, using protein identification by fluorescence. Although one protocol was able to able to lower the amount of protein, >40% of the handpieces showed amounts of residual protein at unacceptable levels.

Access article. 

COVID-19: a new turning point for dental practice
Braz. oral. res. 34 • 2020
Flávio Freitas MATTOS Isabela Almeida PORDEUS

Recent new zoonotic respiratory viruses have infected humans and led to severe acute respiratory syndrome: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), influenza A H5N1, influenza A H1N1 and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). The first SARS-CoV outbreak took place in 2003, in Guangdong, China. A decade later, another pathogenic coronavirus, MERS-CoV caused an endemic in Middle Eastern countries. The latest pandemic coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19) has been related to the newly isolated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). For the first time since the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the 1980s. Dentistry is facing a new turning point. This critical review aims to discuss the impact of COVID-19 infection on oral health care. In dental practice COVID-19 patients are the main source of infection and symptomatic patients are more contagious. Dentists can be first line of diagnosis of the disease, as they work in close contact with patients and are at the risk of being affected by COVID-19 and all respiratory infections. Several guidelines for dental practice environments have been published by dental associations and regulatory boards. It is already evident that biological, psychological and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have present and future impacts on dental practice. Dental schools, regulatory boards, scientific associations, government authorities, and public and private health care services must join efforts to design enduring answers for severe and long-standing viral challenges.
COVID-19; Dentistry; Oral Health; Coronavirus; Health Services

Available at: https://www.scielo.br/j/bor/a/tJf3hchtzNKt46xjjfwyVHj/?lang=en

Biosecurity and dentistry: beliefs and attitudes among dental students regarding infection control
Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.20, n.2, p.448-461, 2011

Camila Pinelli, Patrícia Petromili Nordi Sasso Garcia, Juliana Álvares Duarte Bonini Campos, Edivani Aparecida Vicente Dotta e Ariele Patrícia Rabello

The aim of the present study was to investigate dental students' perceptions in relation to adherence to Biosecurity guidelines and self-preservation. Nine open questions that approached aspects regarding the issue were asked in interview to 14 dental students who assisted dental patients at the Araraquara School of Dentistry - UNESP. The qualitative methodology was used and the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was the methodological strategy for interview analysis. Three methodological figures were obtained: central ideas, key expressions and the CSD itself. The natural collective discourse was obtained. Adherence to Biosecurity protocols was reported, although the students complained that, in the daily routine, the precautions were neglected because they are not practical. Among collective and individual precautions were the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), protective barriers, and disinfection and sterilization processes. Danger of contagion was reported as dreadful by some or as indifferent by others who thought that it was something that could be controlled and minimized by using standard precautions. HIV and Hepatitis B and C were the most feared diseases. Based on the discourses, it is possible to emphasize the need to improve the educational strategies, aiming to motivate adherence to Biosecurity guidelines, which are essential when dealing with dental patients.
Biosecurity; Dental students; Adherence to guidelines; Qualitative Research

Available at: https://www.scielo.br/j/sausoc/a/BxjBQ8MMHpmkd9XDhKYzcxG/?lang=pt 


CIOSP 2025


Palestra Internacional sobre Biossegurança em Odontologia no CIOSP: Destaques com Ramneek Rai e CEO Michelle Lee

Palestra Internacional sobre Biossegurança em Odontologia no CIOSP: Destaques com Ramneek Rai e CEO Michelle Lee

A consulta odontológica mais segura - O que você precisa saber sobre biossegurança para um dia de trabalho em sua clínica odontológica

No próximo Congresso Internacional de Odontologia de São Paulo (CIOSP), você terá a chance de explorar insights essenciais sobre biossegurança em odontologia. Essa é uma oportunidade imperdível para se atualizar com as recomendações internacionais, apresentada por especialistas renomados da ADS (Association for Dental Safety), uma organização líder no setor com sede em Atlanta. A ADS colabora diretamente com o CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) para promover práticas seguras em consultórios odontológicos.

Data: 23 de janeiro
Horário: 10h30 às 12h

Inscreva-se Agora

Sobre Ramneek Rai

A Dra. Ramneek Rai, DDS, é uma figura proeminente na área de biossegurança odontológica. Como Diretora de Biossegurança na Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade da Califórnia, São Francisco, ela supervisiona as práticas de segurança em dezessete clínicas da universidade. Desde 2015, Dra. Ramneek também atua como professora clínica assistente, transmitindo seu extenso conhecimento em prevenção e controle de infecções para estudantes e residentes. Sua liderança foi particularmente notável durante a pandemia de COVID-19.

Dra. Ramneek está envolvida com a ADS desde 2018, desempenhando papéis chave, incluindo Diretora do Conselho e Secretária da Fundação no período de 2022-2023. Atualmente, ela é a Presidente eleita do Conselho da ADS.

ADS no Brasil: Novidades Excitantes

A participação da Dra. Ramneek e da CEO Michelle Lee no CIOSP marca a entrada oficial da ADS no Brasil. Durante o congresso, serão anunciadas diversas novidades, incluindo descontos especiais para que os profissionais brasileiros possam acessar conteúdos exclusivos e eventos da ADS. A organização está desenvolvendo materiais em português para facilitar o acesso à informação.

Fique atento ao nosso blog para mais atualizações e para conferir a programação completa das palestras no estande da Cristófoli. Não perca esta oportunidade de enriquecer seu conhecimento e melhorar a segurança de sua prática odontológica.

Liliana Donatelli


ADS's Michelle Lee and Ramneek Rai's Participation in Brazil

In January 2025, the prestigious CIOSP (São Paulo International Dental Congress) will feature a significant presentation on Dental Prevention and Infection Control. Dr. Ramneek Rai, DDS, and Michelle Lee, CEO of the Association for Dental Safety (ADS), will be key speakers at the event.

Key Details:

Event: CIOSP – The Safest Dental Visit ( Ramneek Rai) - LINK
Date: January 23rd
Time: 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Dr. Ramneek Rai, known for her leadership in biosafety at the University of California, San Francisco, will share her expertise on infection control practices. Her involvement with ADS since 2018 and her current role as the Chair of the Board of Directors highlight her dedication to advancing dental safety standards.

This event marks ADS's official entry into Brazil, paving the way for exciting developments, including special access for Brazilian professionals to ADS resources and events. The organization is also working on providing content in Portuguese to broaden the reach of vital dental prevention and infection control information.

Brazilian Bulletin for Covid-19 Cases (as of 16th October 2021) (Ministry of Health) 
Reccomentations for Specialized Procedures in the context of Covid-19 Pandemic (Ministry of Health)
CFO-E-book – COVID-19 in Dentistry


Last Updated on Thursday, December 19, 2024 01:09 PM