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Portable & Mobile Dentistry

Site Assessment & Checklist | School Sealant Programs

Although the CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings — 2003 are applicable to all settings in which dental treatment is provided, the recommendations focus mainly on dental settings that use traditional, fixed equipment (e.g., private practice dental settings).

In contrast, a variety of non-traditional dental settings, such as school sealant programs, use portable dental equipment. These programs often operate in challenging settings. For example, hallways, gymnasiums, or other high-traffic locations may be the only space available for dental screenings or treatment. 

To address these issues, stakeholders in academia and public health worked together to identify some of these challenges and to provide strategies and suggestions for implementing CDC recommendations. A national advisory group took the draft guidance and field-tested the format and content of a site assessment and checklist.

Infection Control Site Assessment and Checklist

Additional Resources

Association for Dental Safety (ADS)

Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Additional Resources

Infection Prevention & Control for School Sealant Programs (SSPs)

ADS developed resources to supplement CDC infection control guidance with additional considerations for practical implementation to protect the health, safety, and well-being of students, teachers, staff, and dental healthcare personnel (DHCP) who participate in SSPs. 

Infection Prevention & Control Guide for School Sealant ProgramsThese resources are FREE, but you may need to provide your email address and contact information. This allows ADS to track the dissemination of the resources.

Infection Prevention & Control Guide for School Sealant Programs - Updated July 1, 2022

COVID-19 Specific Resources

Funding Support

These resources were produced by the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and supported by Contract Number, [75D30119P06436], funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Oral Health. The contents are solely the responsibility of OSAP and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Association for Dental Safety (ADS)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)