The board member spotlight showcases an OSAP board member monthly to allow you to get to know OSAP's leadership better and to recognize our board members' outstanding contributions to the field and the organization. For the July 2021 spotlight, meet the OSAP Association Board Chairperson, Eve Cuny, MS.
How long have you been a member of OSAP?
33 years
Why did you join OSAP?
I had taken on the role of infection control coordinator at the University of the Pacific and wanted to learn and network. A mentor of mine at the school suggested I join, at which time I attended my first OSAP Annual Symposium (now Annual Conference), and I haven’t missed an annual conference since.
What is your current occupation?
Executive Associate Dean at University of the Pacific School of Dentistry
What do you love most about dentistry/infection control?
It’s a science-based occupation in which there is always an opportunity for discovery and expansion of knowledge and understanding.
Who inspires you?
Gayle Macdonald, who was an early leader in dental infection control and a dear friend. She is retired from the USC School of Dentistry and was also an early leader in OSAP. She is inspirational not only in her professional life but also in her personal journey through life.
What’s a fun fact about you that not many people know?
To celebrate my 21st birthday I went skydiving—something I had been dreaming of doing since I was a young teen, but my parents wouldn’t allow.
What is something you wish people knew about OSAP?
OSAP is an organization that really does fulfill the promise of “ the more you give, the more you receive”. The more involved a person is in the organization, they will discover that the things they learn and the relationships they make will provide a fuller and more rewarding life and career.